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My Story

"let's cover the world in glitter and pearls"


I love making to-do lists. We're talking serious ones, ranked by priority, with time and cost estimates

(if necessary) for each task. Sometimes, they're color coded (don't judge).

My problem(s)? I tend to not actually complete or accomplish any of the tasks on the list because I start one project and then decide something else on that list is more important (or more fun).

My husband likes to refer to these as my "squirrel" moments:







The result? I have a pristine to-do list that calls attention to a long list of not-at-all-pristine, not-at-all-finished tasks. Does this defeat the purpose? Yes. Does this make said to-do list pointless? Yes. Does this result in a whole lot of half done crafts and house projects? Yes. Can I just decorate my house with laminated to-do lists and call it a day? Probably not.

Does anyone else have this conundrum? I sure as heck hope so! 


2014 was a busy year for me. In short, I got married to my best friend, moved out of my parents' house and into the cutest condo, and began a new job! While I had every intention of DIYing and making small renovations to our condo, I was on quite the emotional roller coaster

(plus, making all those to-do lists took up all my time). 


So, welcome to Hammers & Pearls, the blog that I hope will help me break this vicious cycle!

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