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So the funny thing is....

How is it that 297 days have past since I last wrote on this blog? The funny thing is that it doesn't just write itself.

I have had many projects I started (some I even completed), meals I have made, miles I have traveled, and books that I have read, all with the intention of talking about them on the blog. The problem is, that when I sit down to actually write, the words just won't come. Well, that needs to change and I am the only one who can change it.

Does anyone else have some mid-year resolutions they have made? ;)

I have and the major one is committing to change. Once I figure out how to move my photos off my phone and onto my laptop....I can have my first DIY of the year posted!

So maybe my first resolution should be to figure out how to move them from my phone to my laptop in a way other than emailing them to myself (which takes forever).

Here is a teaser photo! It is of our brick wall in the kitchen


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