give yourself some grace, girlfriend
One thing I have always known about myself (but have finally come to terms with) is that I am far better with a dead line than just an arbitrary "oh it would be nice to do this by this date". What have I also learned more recently about myself? That I am better with a to do list that has a lot of boxes to check rather than just one larger project. So instead of saying "finish dining room", I break "finishing the dining room" down into 15 little boxes that I can check off and say I completed something (it is surprising the things you learn about yourself after seeing a therapist, #thanksdrstacey #godblessdrstacey #whatmytherapistsays)
So why am I telling you all of this? Because as I was driving home from my client's this morning, I realized, that I have all of these projects that I STILL want to do to our condo but SO many of the ones I have already started, aren't actually done yet. LIKE THIS BLOG FOR EXAMPLE. You guys, the kitchen has been practically done since last year.... and I stopped blogging about it. Why? I DON'T KNOW. (I'll tell you when Dr. Stacey helps me figure it out)
There is so much around our sweet home that I HAVE done, and what was the point of this blog from the beginning? OH RIGHT, to keep YOU updated with what was started. (insert all the eye rolls)
SO I AM CHANGING. I am going to start blogging again AND more often.
Also, I realized that I turn 30 ... soonish... and I should probably start to get my life in order & finish what I start... (ok that last one is a bit of a stretch because let's be real, I am always going to be a work in progress)
So stay tuned YET AGAIN for project updates, delicious recipes, interior inspirations, & my general rambling.